NASA Space Apps Challenge 2017

Singapore Winner, 29 April 2017

Migrantlyzer is a visualization of human migratory patterns and factors.

As there was a challenge statement on visualising migratory patterns of various species on Earth, our team decided to think out of the box and visualise the migratory patterns of the species Homo Sapiens (Humans). We then proceeded to add in data that we can pull from other reputable online data sources in an attempt to correlate the migration of humans across borders with various socio and economic factors.

We created a javascript dashboard application. This allowed visualisation of human migratory patterns, and attempted to correlate various push and pull factors that may affect migrations in humans.

Data was scraped from NASA Databases and various official census sources online. The data scraping, converting and cleaning of the data was done in python.

We were award the Singapore winner prize and had a chance to pitch our solution for the global NASA Space Apps competition.

The repository can be viewed here