9th SG Cyber Conquest

Top winner, 18 September 2018

First place winner for the 9th annual Singapore Cyber Conquest held during the Singapore Internation Cybersecurity Week.

This was a Jeopardy style CTF that was organised by BAE systems. Challenges included Binary Exploitation, Cryptography, Web and Professional Programming and Coding (PPC). My team was one of the teams representing NUS Greyhats.

I realised many teams were unable to solve the PPC challenges, as they are geared towards Competitive Programmers and Problem solvers. I guess this was what allowed us a 1000 point advantage to the second team.

The official report can be found at this website.

For winning this competition, we would have our conference and flight tickets to Black Hat USA 2018 sponsored by the organisers, as well as accomodation at the conference venue.